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When experience becomes a barrier to collaboration

Experience is often celebrated as a cornerstone of success. It gives us the confidence to contribute, the credibility to lead, and the wisdom to navigate complex situations. It’s no surprise that experienced leaders are often invited into collaborations because of the value they bring.

But here’s the paradox: in the realm of collaboration, experience can sometimes be a double edge sword.  Whilst it provides a solid foundation, it can bring walls that act as barriers to collaborative thinking.

The Comfort of Familiarity

Experience breeds familiarity, and with familiarity comes comfort. Once we’ve mastered certain skills or ways of working, we lean on them instinctively. They become our safe space - our autopilot mode.

But comfort, as reassuring as it feels, can be a silent threat to collaboration. It keeps us anchored to the familiar, preventing us from exploring new, uncharted territories. The comfort zone may feel productive, but in reality, it’s where creativity and openness to more collaborative approaches can wither.

Think about it: how often have you seen a “tried and tested” approach win over a bold new idea - simply because it’s what everyone knows?

The Curse of Knowledge

Then there’s the “curse of knowledge” - a cognitive bias where it’s difficult to unsee or unlearn what you already know. The more expertise we gain, the harder it becomes to look at problems with fresh eyes. 

Instead of thinking with others, we find ourselves stuck in the boundaries of what we already know, struggling to think outside the box and embracing differing opinions and perspectives to our own.

Breaking Free: The Beginner’s Mindset

To unlock true collaboration, leaders must learn to step outside their experience. They must embrace the curiosity and humility of a novice - a beginner’s mindset.

The beginner’s mindset is about:

·       Questioning what we think we know.

·       Challenging the status quo. 

·       Approaching problems with fresh curiosity, not preconceived answers.

It’s a shift from “I know” to “What if?” - a mindset that reignites our creative spark and cultivates an environment which is open and inclusive to all ideas and possibilities.

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

For the past 15 years, Challenge24 has given even the most experienced leaders the chance to practice this. It’s pushed them outside their comfort zones, encouraging them to embrace uncertainty, foster imagination, and adopt new perspectives.

One thing we’ve learned. Even seasoned strategic thinkers can rediscover their creative spark when they let go of what they “know” and lean into what’s possible.

After all, true co-creation doesn’t happen within the confines of experience—it happens beyond it.

So, the next time you find yourself leaning on what’s familiar, pause. Step back. Ask yourself:
 “What would this look like if I were seeing it for the first time?”

Because collaboration thrives not in what we already know, but in the possibilities we’re brave enough to explore together.

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